SiX in the Press: Legislators in 49 states ask SCOTUS to preserve access to abortion pill

A group of more than 600 Democratic legislators from 49 states have signed an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court urging the justices to overturn an appellate court decision that would roll back access to mifepristone, one of two drugs used to safely terminate early pregnancies and treat miscarriages.
The amicus brief, also called a “friend of the court” brief, was organized by State Innovation Exchange’s Reproductive Freedom Leadership Council and assembled over the past week, said Jennifer Driver, the group’s Senior Director of Reproductive Rights. Driver said State Innovation Exchange, also known as SiX, provides tools and resources for state legislators to advocate for progressive public policies after being elected to office.
Driver said SiX did ask Republican legislators to sign on as well, but didn’t manage to garner any bipartisan support.
Every state, with the exception of Mississippi, had Democratic legislators who signed their names to the brief, with the highest number of participants from Illinois, followed by North Carolina, New York and Colorado. Driver said 13 state representatives from Arkansas also signed on.
“This statement should say that across the country, in almost every state, there are legislators that are saying their ability to protect their community should not be interfered with,” Driver said. “Even in ruby red states, there are legislators who are still fighting for abortion access, and they understand the ramifications of what happened in Dobbs and what could happen in this case.”