COVID Resources: Reproductive Health Care
COVID-19 poses specific threats to reproductive health care access and needs; further, some states have taken advantage of the crisis to play politics and restrict abortion care access. But research shows that even in the midst of COVID—and despite disinformation spread by the anti-choice opposition—people continue to oppose restricting access to reproductive freedom.
Always work with your state’s reproductive rights, health, and justice coalition – contact us for support if needed!
- Communicating about Reproductive Freedom During COVID
Attacks on reproductive freedom have not disappeared during the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, politicians in some states are using the pandemic to try to ban or restrict access to abortion in new ways. But research shows that even in the midst of COVID—and despite disinformation spread by the opposition—people continue to support reproductive freedom. Click here for messaging guidance.
- Actions State Legislators Can Consider to Protect Reproductive Health Care
From removing existing barriers to abortion care to expanding tele-health services, state lawmakers can facilitate easier access to reproductive health care that reflects our current realities. And any COVID-19 response should be viewed through the lenses of racial and gender justice.- Ten Things State Policymakers Can Do to Protect Access to Reproductive Health Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Guttmacher Institute. May 2020.
- Expanding Telemedicine Can Ensure Abortion Access During COVID-19 Pandemic Center for Reproductive Rights and Columbia University. Spring 2020.
- Promoting Equitable Access to Health Care in Response to COVID-19. National Women’s Law Center. Spring 2020.
- 5 Ways State Policymakers Must Center Gender Justice in Their COVID-19 Response. National Women’s Law Center. Spring 2020.
- COVID-19 Policy Platform Demanding Reproductive Self-Determination for All of Us. If/When/How. Spring 2020.
- COVID-19’s Impact on Accessing Reproductive Health Care and Maternal Health
To help make the case, consult the most recent data and research on how reproductive and maternal health care are being impacted by COVID-19.- Surveying State Executive Orders Impacting Reproductive Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Guttmacher Institute. July 2020.
- The COVID-19 Outbreak: Potential Fallout for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Guttmacher Institute. March 2020.
- Early Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings from the 2020 Guttmacher Survey of Reproductive Health Experiences. Guttmacher Institute. June 2020.
- Safeguarding Maternal Health and Rights in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Center for Reproductive Rights and Columbia University.
- COVID-19 Abortion Bans Would Greatly Increase Driving Distances for Those Seeking Care. Guttmacher Institute. April 2020.
- Youth Reproductive Rights & the COVID-19 Response. Advocates for Youth, Center for Reproductive Rights, URGE, SIECUS, If/When/How. Spring 2020.
- Protecting and Promoting Women’s Rights Is Key to Defeating the Coronavirus at Home and Abroad. Center for American Progress. May 2020.
- Abortion as Essential Care during COVID-19
Abortion was under attack as Governors around the U.S. saw an opportunity to capitalize on a crisis to ban abortion care. These resources make it clear that abortion is critical, timely care, and that a global health pandemic and economic crisis are the exact wrong reasons to limit access to abortion care.- VIDEO: Abortion is Essential featuring SiX, ACLU, an abortion provider and OH State Rep. Tavia Galonski. State Innovation Exchange. April 2020.
- Abortion is Essential Care. Center for Reproductive Rights and Columbia University. Spring 2020.
- COVID-19 Underscores the Nonessential Nature of Abortion Restrictions. Center for Reproductive Rights and Columbia University. Spring 2020.
- How State COVID-19 Orders Can Impact Abortion Access. Center for Reproductive Rights and Columbia University. Spring 2020.
Contact us at reproductiverights@stateinnovation.org for:
- Communications and messaging guides for abortion care and COVID-19
- State-specific research and support
- To convene or facilitate a briefing or strategy session with your legislative colleagues and state coalition partners